Here, the maintenance of Student's multiple results of different Exams can be manage in only 1 easy step. Whereas not only results but also daily attendance of school and their Hostel maintained with very easy technics. Student's daily classwork & homework also can be maintain. so, there is easiest solution of vital requirements of daily confusing work of the school.
The ultimate solution of the daily work of the school of student's attendance. This attendance task is very important in any school or organisation where a person who has to maintain this work is really feeling so much time consuming, so we have given a 1 step solution of the problem. with our appliction the only 1 easy step can maintain the daily attendace of the student in the school and if the school has the Hostel facility than its the 2 way solution with only single function. This is very important role of the school and we are here with its easiest solution. The attendance work is now so easy to maintain so teacher can utilise their time and energy in progressive teaching way. Now in this era of technology these works are the only one step solution with this function of NEMS application, so the real focus of teacher and school can be made easy for the growth of the ultimate level of learning.
Here, with this function teacher also can make lession updation of one student classwork & homework both. With this the confusing work of remembering one to one student's work becomes so much easy and effective. So, ultimately teacher not only maintain the classwork & homework data but also the progress of the student also can see with the daily go throgh with this function. The Teacher actually help the student, parents and school to maintain the student's growth as per the actual capability of the student and can work on their effeciency if needed. This can be very much helpful to school also to maintain the daily data at one place only of every student in the school.
You can even include attendance summary/pass-fail ratio within the report. Exam analysis and student progress report also includes graphical analysis of Total & individual subjects, for a better under-standing of the users. The progress can be calculated on the basis of cumulative report of total subjects appeared for by a student & even individual subject wise report.